
Hey guys! I am Jennpop on MovieStarPlanet and I make movies. I have a sister who is Marynara on MSP and has her own blog as well! I hope you enjoy my blog, bye! ;)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hey guys. Today has probably been the best day I have ever had except for the Halo Jr. accident .
First thing I did was almost finshed my new music video for Youtube. Oh yah did I tell you guys about it ? I guys not.. Well its about "Wings" by Little Mix. Then I had the best shopping spring ever!!!!! ;) I got like so many clothing and stuff for not a lot of money ,also check out my new give away. I will upload a video and an art book about it but here is a preview for the views who see this before I upload the things.  first place is a wishlist . Second is a dress. third is a

       To join :)
1. like ,comment, rate, share, and give my give away movie five stars .
2. like the art book and share.
 hat's it simple

Extra to do to have a better chance of winning ,share , and  rate all of my movies five star to have 10 entries.
2. give me an auto for 5 entries

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

MSP Hackers

Hey guys ! I'm back sorry for not posting. Ok today we are going to talk about  Anonymous, or some hackers to watch out for.

          1. Anonymous
          2.The Dolly
          3.The Clown
Anonymous: She is a hacker on MSP. You can't click on her username to see her profile. If you can then she is fake. Some people say that she had made those fake accounts by herself , but I don't know. As you can see in the pictures below she hat a purple hat, purple bra, purple hair, and black pants. So watch out .If you see her on you login screen DO NOT LOG ON!!!!. SHE CAN SEE YOU PASSWORD AND HACK YOU. If you do see her REFRESH .( on the top or f5)
The Dolly : She is a girl that looks like a doll and has stiches on her face.
I don't really know about her ,because I never seen her but be careful.

The Clown: He or she is associated with the Dolly and is very sneaky so be careful.



Tuesday, June 18, 2013


      The Masked Villain will be on hold. I have busy lately and if you have any ideas, just comment them. ;)

     Sorry for any confusions and thank you for your patience.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Welcome: About Me!

      Welcome to Jennpop22's blog. She is a Movie Star right now, but she will turn into a known movie star in a bit.
About Jennpop22:

She is the sweetest girl you have ever met. She also has a sister named Marynara. I will put her link down bellow. The are twins but Mary is older.
      Jennpop22 has been working on awesome movies lately. Some of them are Masked Villain the series, Narnia, and Just Random Movie. She has started April, 2013 and now she is level 5, a Jury, and a VIP. Pretty quick right? She hopes she becomes famous like Pumpchkin, but she is not a porter. 

     She and her sister gets really angry when people ask us for wishlist or greets just because we are VIP. When that happens, they just laugh at how stupid some people are. :D 
     She does a special thing for getting a wishlist.
This's week's special is rating all of her movies 5 stars.